Do You Live in the Present?

Clean your closet, clear your mind

If you’re like me, you have clothes in your closet that have little use.  I pride myself on getting rid of things, but there are items, like business suits and several pairs of boots, that have stuck with me through three different moves.  The guest room closet, I’m not so proud of:  I’ve struggled even opening and closing the door.

Before a recent trip to Ethiopia, I prepped my closets for living, breathing visitors.  I had to make room for their stuff, which meant getting rid of mine.  I conducted a minor viewing of things and debated keeping or chucking certain items.  In the end, I shuffled things around, packing more in tight spaces and gave 1% to consignment.

I went to Ethiopia with Glimmer of Hope Foundation.  I walked and talked and played with children with no shoes.  I connected with people in rural Ethiopia living in huts.  I have seen what it is to not have access to clean drinking water.  I saw and touched poverty at such a deep level that I came back knowing that it was time to devote myself to helping these people I had met in rural Ethiopia.  These are our brothers and sisters who happened to have been born in Africa as opposed to America, or developing countries as opposed to developed countries.  I had no frame of reference for poverty and human suffering on this scale.

And so was born the BYD Challenge.  Students complete 60 Bikram Yoga classes and raise money for their favorite charity.  It was my way to connect my life in Austin to my experience in rural Ethiopia.  Time passed, and I wanted my husband Jeff to be engaged in this cause with me.  I knew that he had to go see for himself, to truly get it.  There’s no point of reference.

I returned to rural Ethiopia, but this time it was even more personal.  I was introducing Jeff to the villagers whom I had met the year before.  We saw the completed projects that Jeff and I and the BYD Challengers had funded.  We visited the completed hand-dug wells, the completed schools, the completed hospitals.  I had no idea the trip would result in the unexpected.

My perspective had changed forever, and I realized that there is a whole big part of this world that is not living the life that we are exposed to everyday.  I began to appreciate my family, my health and the yoga in a new way.  Most of all, I saw that we all have a duty to give of ourselves to help people in need.

I realized my attempt at creating space in my house had been temporary and lame.  I want to be free, I decided.

In my mind’s eye, I rummaged through closets at home.  A majority of things were housed under the in-case/fear-based scenario.  I rationalized stuff under scenarios such as: future belly dancing classes, intended rollerblading trips, or attire for the accounting firm in case the yoga thing did not work out.

But rationalizing didn’t stop there.  Before yoga, I had rationalized my entire life, my old job, relationships, things I didn’t want but had made critical decisions from an in-case/fear-based mindset.  How was life to be transformed when I wasn’t honest with myself about what I wanted?  Bogged down with things, I had created a false comfort zone.  By hanging onto possessions, people, and possibilities, I was living in the past and the future but not in the present.  Ethiopia showed me what my closet at home was trying to tell me.

With a new perspective, I set standards for my closets:

(1)    No fighting when opening or closing closet doors (or with family members).

(2)    Visible closet floors.  (Transparency, I must speak my truth and be transparent about my hopes and dreams.)

(3)    Clean and organized closets.  (Every day I must practice fulfilling these standards.)

(4)    Purge what you don’t use.  (Letting go of things is hard but frees one up for new experiences.)

When I returned home, it got ugly.  I spent jet-lagged days in a daze and nights ripping out the closets’ insides.  I jumped over and swerved around an obstacle course of piles in my living room.  The guilt that I felt was overwhelming.  This was the old me.  I had tried to heal through retail therapy, and to no avail.  My happiness now comes from connecting with others, hearing their personal stories and through yoga, empowering them to take control of their health.  In that moment, I knew that it was time to think globally and go outside of the PURE Bikram Yoga studios.  It was time to heal the world with yoga.  And so was born Pure Action.

Circling the piles, somewhere in the core of my being, I could hear a voice form the present, asking me to consider the exit plan the next time I was about to swipe my card to take on another item.  Things we own and acquire define our past and hopes for the future.  Our accumulations not only succeed in shielding us from the present, they also accumulate hours of time to manage, eating up life.

The physical process of purging my closet and my life was a trip in itself.  I had created space for more love and compassion.  I had created more time for things that I love – family, yoga and teaching.  I realized that personal fulfillment comes not from acquiring things or fame, but from giving to those who can never pay you back.  I had found my dharma, my purpose – healing the world with yoga.

Feeling PURE and Cleanse-y!

“A CLEANSE?! Why do YOU need to do a CLEANSE?!…”

Well, the truth is that we all have bad habits. Mine were drinking a Coke here (loved the burn), a boba tea there (a sugary, sweet treat – I LOVE chewy, black balls!!!), and dining very late at night. Anything was fair game. My favorite late-night meal was a pre-packaged spicy noodle soup, kicked up with flaming hot peppers. A friend of mine told me that I was like a vampire. “You drive a cool car, never eat and stay up all night.” Not quite the image I was going for…

Enter Arttemis and Krystalle of New Earth Center. I had heard about their 10-Day Jump Start Cleanse several months ago. Months later, I was ready to make a change, a 180-degree turn. I felt stuck in my yoga practice. I felt that I was starting from square one each time I stepped onto the yoga mat. I felt tired. With the future plans at PURE, I needed to make a change. With my birthday around the corner, this cleanse was the best gift that I could give to myself. I believe in the concept of “kaizen”, or continuous improvement, and this cleanse was the ultimate way to improve my health.

“My goal is for you to thrive, to be your best, to work at your optimal level.” With these simple words from Arttemis, I was hooked. “How committed are you?” I looked him in the eye and said, “100%!”. I was ready to embark on a new journey.

Day 1 was the most difficult. My mind was foggy, and I had a raging headache. The only thing green that I had consumed in several days were apple Jolly Ranchers, and now I was downing green juice – a combination of organic celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, apple, Vitamineral Green and lemon essential oil. I like to call it “The Green Stiletto” – it gives you a lift! Teaching the 5:30pm class Downtown was interesting…the words flowed as my stomach rumbled. I was clearly detoxifying sugar from my system. I meditated on my last words to Arttemis – “100%!”

Later that night, I perused the 10-Day Jump Start Cleanse recipe book. To my delight, I stumbled upon a smoothie whose ingredients included raw cacao powder. Chocolate?! With a few trials, I created “The Cocoa Chanel” – even Karl Lagerfeld would love this bevy! I can do this!!!

And I am so grateful that I did. Over the next 10 days, I discovered that embarking on a cleanse journey is like beginning the yoga journey…

(1) Cleansing (like yoga) is something that you have to experience. I owned every book on Juicing, Fasting, Superfoods, Raw Food (I even had a t-shirt that read, “Eat Raw, Live Long”.) You can read all you want; you have to experience it!

(2) You cleanse to fix 1 issue (you come to yoga to fix your knee), and you end up fixing so many more problems that you didn’t even know you had. In just a couple of days, I was sleeping better, had more energy, more balanced blood sugar levels, and had eliminated my hip pain. I was better hydrated AND discovered quality time with my husband Jeff.

I used to relish “Party Time”, when I would suck down as much of my 20 oz of water as humanly possible in the allotted time. “Party over…” After drinking “The Green Stiletto”, I was entering the class hydrated, and thus drinking less during the class. Without such distraction as dehydration, my meditation had improved. Because I had the minerals that I needed, my body was absorbing the water that I was consuming.

With four PURE Bikram Yoga Studios, a non-profit called PURE Action, the PURE clothing line (coming soon!), a business in Hong Kong, and kendo practice, Jeff and I were working 24-7 and rarely had time for each other. We were like two ships passing in the night. Juicing together at night was our new quality time (“QT”). I called it “QT with JC”. I have never heard so much chatter about poop. Men love to talk about it. I would interrupt, “More cucumber, darling?”

(3) In a cleanse, as in a yoga class, you clear your mind. You become fully aware of your habits, the difference between “need” and “want”, and how to take care of yourself. “The most important thing in your life is your life,” Bikram says. You work hard to eliminate those things that no longer serve you and hence become very conscious of what you put back in. On Day 10, I overhauled our pantry and fridge. Good-bye, MSG-laden noodle soups and Fruity Pebbles. Hello, almond milk and coconut kefir!

(4) You let go of all judgment. I used to see people schlepping jars of green juice and think, “That just isn’t attractive.” I would enter a party, proudly carrying the “It” clutch. Now I waltz in, toting my “Green Stiletto”. “I made it myself. Would you like the recipe?” A jar of juice can be a conversation piece, too!

(5) Experiencing a cleanse (like yoga) opens up a whole new world you never knew existed. What is the difference between a high-speed and a slow juicer? What is the significance of 118 degrees? How many food documentaries are on Netflix? Watch “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

What I have discovered is that this 10-Day Jump Start Cleanse was just the beginning. How to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle is the real challenge. Let the battle begin!

It will give you the lift!!!

(yields 64 oz of juice)

2 Organic Cucumbers
1 Bunch Organic Celery
1 Bunch Organic Spinach
1/2 Bunch Organic Parsley
2 Organic Apples
2 Organic Golden Beets, tops and stems removed
24 Caplets of Health Force Vitamineral Green
Several Drops of Lemon Essential Oil (high quality, suitable for ingestion) – I like a lot!

Cut food into small pieces for optimal extraction. I recommend cutting down into 2″ chunks or smaller. Insert ingredients into your juicer at a slow pace, allowing all of the pulp to extract. Don’t force it! When juicing leafy greens with other foods, alternate the ingredients while juicing for best results. I recommend running water through the juicer when juicing leafy greens, to help the juicer extract. I’m all about “High Yield!” Add to your juice the contents of the Vitamineral Green caplets. Add lemon essential oil for that extra LIFT!!! Enjoy!!!

Even Karl Lagerfeld would love this bevy!

(yields 64 oz smoothie)

32 oz Organic Almond Milk
3 Frozen Organic Bananas
1 Cup Frozen Organic Blueberries
4 Pitted Organic Dates
1 Tablespoon Raw Organic Almond Butter
1 Tablespoon Raw Organic Cacao Nibs
2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Cacao Powder
1 Tablespoon Organic Chia Powder
1 Tablespoon Organic Flax Powder
2 Scoops Vanilla One World Whey Protein (Add at the very end)

I recommend blending this smoothie in a high speed blender such as a Vitamix. Blend all ingredients on high. Remember to add the Whey Protein at the end. J’adore!!!